Golden Gala Annual Auction & Dinner
Purchase tickets by March 1st. Participate in Online bidding even if you can’t attend in person!

Creating a Long-lasting Legacy
Sheila Taylor In the Know Education, Giving Tuesday 2023, Legacy, Turlock Christian School, Year-end Giving 2023
Dear TCS Community,
Each day as our students come to our campuses, we are reminded of our mission to prepare them in the vital areas of faith, knowledge, and truth. At the heart of this mission is the pursuit of God and excellence in all that we do. Over the last 50+ years Turlock Christian School has built a legacy which has been manifested in thousands of students and graduates. We seek to continue to build this legacy in our current and future students. Our investment in these students means this legacy will remain strong for the next 50 years.
As we approach the upcoming season of Christmas and year-end, we reflect on the difference each of us can make for future generations. We each can ask ourselves, “How can we continue to impact student’s lives”? As we enter the last few weeks of 2023, we each can be a part of an opportunity to be generous with our resources as we consider how richly our Creator has blessed us. This Tuesday, November 28th is ‘Giving Tuesday’, an opportunity to share some of what we have been blessed with in our lives. Any financial donations contributed to Turlock Christian before the end of this year can be considered by American tax law to be a charitable contribution deductible on your 2023 taxes.
During this time, would you consider a special gift towards the legacy of Turlock Christian? Here are a few areas where your gift can make a lasting impact.
- Scholarships – We desire to make a TC education accessible to many who do not have the resources to attend Turlock Christian. Each year we dedicate a significant portion of our resources to ensure many students who would otherwise be unable to be a part of TCS, are able to attend TCS. We are making plans to create a scholarship endowment of $5 million. Would you consider a significant gift to help provide these much-needed funds?
- Programs to support our faculty and staff:
- Funding for Professional Development
- Appreciation events
- Resources for Teacher workrooms on each campus
- Facility Needs
- Funding to secure long-term facilities to ensure TC for the next 50 years
If you desire to support one of these needs or another area of TC on your heart, please contact either myself or Nelson Gavlani, TC Director of Finance to facilitate your gift. You can also use this link to donate:
Thank you for your ongoing generous support of our students and staff as we work to create this legacy.
John Kennedy
Head of School